Wednesday, May 5, 2010

well... time to get back up to speed

So we had holidays and stuff and I have missed class since we have been back. Just Great! -FML

Ok well i am trying to fix all that being sick and dealing with sick family members on top of my own problems hasn't really helped. I really kinda am hoping that this fixes things up but anyway I have done all the work just haven't had the time to update it and post it all on this stupid thing.

But other then all the drama, holidays have been good. I have a new job I deliver pizza for eagle boys in Tolland woo! (its the worst) On the bright side I got some good photos yesterday and the day before so I am trying and very much struggling to get them up on my flickr so there will probs be another post later today when it decides to stop failing every time i attempt to upload them. Actually come to think of it there will be so i can put all that stalker info that is necessary for people to find my gmail my yahoo mail and even my flickr. So look forward to that

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